We are thrilled to announce the Open Call for Entries for the 136th Annual Paisley Art Institute Exhibition. Artists are invited to showcase their Art by submitting work.
Hand-in dates Friday 4th and Saturday 5th April. The exhibition is being held at The Glasgow Art Club, our new permanent home.
Download your Exhibition Pack here
For all enquiries please email our Exhibition Secretary
Please share the hand in dates to any artists you know. It's time to get creative for the April hand-in to the PAI 136th Annual Exhibition. There are over 20 awards to be won.
Open entrants - entries for the exhibition are welcome.
Membership - our Lay Membership category is now open
Join us and get involved and meet new friends. We need help hanging the over 400 paintings and with invigilating during May. The Glasgow Art Club is a listed building full of fine art, including Glasgow boys and our signature piece, 'The Paisley Shawl', We also need historians, who may be interested in hosting tours, or learning about the history of both the Art Club and the Paisley Art Institute, not to mention, Charles Rennie Mackintosh.