Become a member of PAI
Support Paisley Art Institute by joining as a Member. We offer two categories of membership -
Artist Membership and Lay membership - Applications are considered annually at the AGM usually around 31st October. Thank you to everyone who applied in October 24, our quota has now been reached, and applications are now closed till 2025.
PAI original membership certificate
- An Annual Exhibition – large scale show running 6-8 weeks annually featuring between 400-600 works.
- A Biennial Drawing Competition – medium-scale exhibition running 4 weeks featuring between 100-200 works.
- A Workshop progamme – (Free of charge to members) creative learning workshops for visual artists led by diverse, skilled and experienced artists members.
- Diploma of the PAI – an award of merit in recognition of artist members who have shown excellence in their field. An award of post-nominal credentials (letters after your name) ‘PAI’.
- Become a recognised member of a long-standing prestigious art institution.
- Be listed on the PAI members pages on our website, featuring your biography, details of your work and art practice and up to 5 images of your choice.
- Your contact details, web and social media accounts listed on your member’s profile page.
- Preferential rates for entering a number of artworks to the Annual Exhibition or Drawing Competition. (Open entrants can usually enter less works than members)
- Sell your artwork through our Exhibition programmes.
- Listed as a member in our Exhibition Catalogues.
- Invited to opening nights, private views and other parties or functions.
- Become eligible to stand for the voluntary committee and thereby influence the decision-making process.
- Become connected to other artist members living and working in Scotland.
- Promote your own work and projects through our social media channels.
- Remember to ask, when buying art materials or framing if PAI membership entitles you to a discount. We have confirmed it will be available at Millers, who are also continuing their award at our next exhibition. Others in the scheme, before lockdown hardship, were Smiths, and our local Paisley Causeyside Street and Renfrew framers. This Spring, we have now added Arthire, where they will give members 10% off their bill.
Artist Membership is open to any practicing artist in the visual arts whose work may be considered suitable for exhibition. Applicants are invited to apply each year prior to each Annual General Meeting usually held in late October.
Application process –
- Download an application form or complete the on-line version.
- Application Fee £15 - Direct banking payments can be made to ‘Paisley Art Institute’. Sort Code 80-07-74 Account no. 00701385.
- Please read the further instructions about submitting artwork for review by the Selection Panel.
- Applicants may be required to bring work to a physical location for reviewing. Details will be issued nearer to the selection date.
- A Selection Panel will make decisions on the applicants considered.
- Successful applicants will be notified by email. Applicants will be asked to make a £10 top-up payment, which along with the original application fee is the first year’s subscription.
- Thereafter artist members renew each year by 31st October at current annual rate of £25.
Lay membership is open year-round to anyone interested or involved in the arts who wishes to support the mission of the charity.
Applicants can join at any time of year.
Application process
- Make an application to our Membership Secretary via our contact form here.
- Application Fee £15 - Direct banking payments can be made to ‘Paisley Art Institute’. Sort Code 80-07-74 Account no. 00701385
- Once we receive your applicaton fee you are enrolled and will now receive a digital membership card to display on your phone.
- Thereafter lay members renew each year by 31st October at current annual rate of £15.
If you applied as an Artist applicant please follow these additional steps:
- Arrange to hand in examples of your art work.
- Send also a CV or artist’s statement detailing your art practice, skills and experience.
- Send, if you have any, pdf/doc examples or materials from exhibitions you have taken part in.
Artist applicants will be notified of the result of their application, once the new Members selection process has been completed, on or around the 31st October.