Welcome to Paisley Art Institute



   Supporting Artists since 1876


logo1a PAI Lay Members

Welcome to the Paisley Art Institute Lay Members page. Lay membership is open year-round to anyone interested or involved in the arts who wishes to support the mission of the charity. Applicants can join at any time of year. Visit our Membership page here

Lay Members

Alison Baird
David G Baird
Eslyn Barr HPAI, Honarary Member
Lynne Bingham
Carolyn Blyth
W M Blyth
Allison Buchanan
Michael Campbell
Graham Carter
Anthony Dawson
Mark Dinardo
Vivien Findlay
Calum Fraser
Sheila Greig
Chris Hargan
Jenny Hargan
Annelouise Hargan MA
Elaine Heskith
Leslie Anne Hinde
Russel Hutcheson
Anne Johnstone
Chris Johnstone
Stan Kerr
Jean Kelsey
Mike Leonard
Colin C MacKean MCBI HPAI
Mrs Margaret E MacKean
Fiona McInnes
Miroslav Masek
William McIntyre
Scott Munro
Mairi Paterson
Des Quinn
Dr Marguerite Reid
Walter Reid
Dr Gilbert Shaw-Dunn
Graeme Smith
David Sutton
Peter Whittle

Life Members

Michael Adam HPAI, Honarary Member
Dr Gall Addis
Mary Campbell
The Hon Mrs Christopher Chetwoode
Miss K M Cochran
Miss A G Cook
Robert Ferguson
Mrs A C Fleming
Hugh Henry MSP
Dorothy Hodgart
Mrs M H Hunter
David  J C MacRobert
Mrs M A B McFayden
Dr Ian Pinkerton
William Robertson
Mrs H B Waterston