Welcome to Paisley Art Institute



   Supporting Artists since 1876


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The committee at Paisley Art Institute is taking bold steps this year to secure a future for the Charity, after the promised upturn has not been fulfilled. Paisley's ‘bird in hand’ has found a fine new nesting place in the Glasgow Art Club, hopefully for many years to come.  Here we have city centre footfall of Art lovers, and a base within a fine listed building with a historic Keppie/ Mackintosh gallery. We share the same charitable purposes and often our members also.

Historic donations of art from our former office bearers and enthusiasts, have formed our collection and this has grown in value to become assets. A sale of a quarter of these will enable us to continue to support the visual arts in the West of Scotland and beyond.

Please do not miss the chance to see our selection of splendid works on display this August.  Lyon and Turnbull are hosting an exhibition in Glasgow Art Club, main gallery, at 185 Bath St. Glasgow,  from Tuesday  the 20th August,  10am –4pm till Friday the 23rd, when it will open, 10am--1pm.    

Later,  pencilled in for October, we will be hosting our own exhibition  of selected works we retain. These include the ‘Paisley Shawl’ by Fra Newberry, ceramics by Falconer Houston and bronze study of our major benefactor, Sir Peter Coats. There will be a chance to see favourites from our Diplomates collection and drawing competition winners. Watch the website nearer the time for final details.

As Disraeli said - ‘Keep your eye on (the) Paisley (Art Institute)!’